Thursday, June 16, 2016

Cooking with Kelly

So a while back I posted how we have cut back considerably on our meat consumption around here.
I also posted how I had failed miserably when I tried to cook with was awful, and I nearly threw in the towel.  But instead I did a little research and discovered some really good techniques when cooking with tofu.  For example, always soak up all the moisture out of it before cooking with it (maybe this is common sense to most, but I had no idea).  I wrap it in a clean kitchen towel and then set a heavy pot on top of it for about 15 minutes and that does the trick.  Also, bake the tofu first...who knew?!!  I cut it up into cubes and lay it out onto a cookie sheet with parchment paper, stick it in a 400 degree oven for about 25 minutes.  This allows the edges to be slightly crispy...much better!

I found these tips on Minimalist Baker.
I also found this next recipe there as well...and I'm happy to report that it was delicious!
The only downside is it took me a while to prepare and cook, and I'm definitely not a fan of elaborate menus when cooking for a family.  But, I will do it just won't be a weekly thing for sure!

(That's a mouth full.)
Ryan and I really liked it...the kids were kinda "meh" about it...another reason I may not be doing it too often.

Another veggie recipe that we've been enjoying is a Chickpea Sandwich.
We go to the weekly mountain bike races and I have to pack a dinner so I'm always on the hunt for something quick and easy and that packs well.  I got this from allrecipes.

You can top it with whatever: lettuce, tomatoes...or my favorite, avocado.
And I used regular white bread in the photo because it's what I had on hand at the time but normally I would use a roll, crusty bread, or even a croissant.

So yeah, I'm making progress and just wanted to share a couple wins I had.
It's the little things us moms need to celebrate, right?

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