Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Sundance Sundays

 Our Sundance Sundays are in full swing!
A couple of weeks ago both Piper and Morgan got new mountain bikes (I cannot get over how cute Piper's is) so of course they needed to try them out.  Ryan rode the trails with Haley, Morgan and Piper while Rory and I took a lift ride.
 Matching cut offs...had to get a picture.

 It was fun to see them from the lift!
Rory and I would hoot and holler and cheer them on.
 Piper took to it really well!  In fact she ended up doing the loop twice with Ryan!  The other girls decided one loop was enough and played in the river instead.
I'm just super proud they're getting out there!!

Last weekend we hit up Sundance again, but this time no riding...we lunched instead.

And of course we rode the lift.
Haley didn't make it up this last time...she's been nursing a cold she's had ever since she got back from Girl's Camp...poor thing.

Happy Tuesday ya'll!

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