Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Holding down the fort.

Last week Ryan was out of town for work (in sunny southern CA in fact) and I held down the fort...not very well, but I tried.  

Not sure, but I think summer is kicking my butt in the parenting department.  It feels like everyday is a battle with the kids, messes are EVERYWHERE, and I just can't keep up with anything!  I know it's bad when I lay down at night and think, "I don't think I laughed once today." Or "Did I even smile today????"  When that happens, I know I need to change my attitude quick or all my kids are going to remember is me scowling!!

Anyway, while Ryan was gone I did manage to finally fix up my bedroom....and I'm loving the way it's turning out!

I painted the room a light, airy, beachy blue...I love it!
I bought some pillows, window treatments, hung some artwork and even bought my first full size mirror to go in the corner of the room.  It's all coming together!  Next, I'm going to tackle our needs a major makeover!!

I was able to skip out one morning for a quick ride with a friend and another woman I'd just met.
It was wonderful and just what I needed to get though the rest of the time with Ryan being gone.

Sunday, I stuck to our routine with our Sundance Sundays and took the girls on a hike.
Just recently, I purchased everyone a camelbak (thank you REI dividends!) and it has been a complete game changer!!  Before when we hiked, Ryan and I carried the water bottles and we had to stop CONSTANTLY for kids to drink.  I'm not sure if it's because we live in a super dry area, but my kids are always thirsty!  I make sure I have a water bottle in my purse at all times when I'm on errands, because I kid you not, they think they're going to die if they don't have a drink RIGHT NOW...they're so dramatic.

But anyway, with Camelbaks it was a dream!!
They loved having control of their snacks and water and the fact that we didn't have to stop every two seconds.  I kick myself I didn't get them sooner!!

And in other news...I got my haircut yesterday.
Why do we get so attached to our hair??  You would think I was getting a limb amputated!  I mean, it's just hair!!  Turns out though, I love it...I just sometimes need a little push to do it.  Because, let's be honest, it was in bad shape!

Hope ya'll are having a fabulous week!

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