Tuesday, July 12, 2016

California Trip Part I

 Road Trip time!
At the very beginning of the month we headed out for California.  However, this time we broke the drive up into two days with a stop in St. George along the way.  Road trips with this crew is no easy task and I think spending the money on a hotel room is worth it, and pretty much saves our sanity...truly. 

 We got a late checkout and had them swim ALL morning...and let me tell ya, it made the rest of the drive so much easier with them being a little tired out!

We arrived in Long Beach on a Friday evening.
It's been a few years since we've been in my hometown and it was a bit nostalgic driving around my old stomping grounds.  
 And the girls got to see Rocky again, my parents' pet squirrel.
No, he's not dead in this picture...this is him lounging on a hot day.  I assure you, he is one happy, spoiled squirrel!

 Hitting up Seal Beach Saturday.

 Of course an outing isn't complete without Rory napping somewhere.
She had sand in her eyes and put her head down in her towel...the next thing I knew she was asleep!

 We had planned our trip around a friend of mine's wedding celebration.  It was such a treat for Ryan and I to sneak away for it!  And it was 20's themed, so I had a ball dressing up for it!

 I bought the dress, shoes and the headband. My mom loaned me the purse and I used my great grandmothers fur shawl (and let me tell ya, I'm pretty sure that shawl saw a lot of speakeasys back in the day!)

And then Sunday morning...you guessed it...more beach!

 Jeff joined us, and Ryan and him got to do quite a bit of surfing.  If there is one thing Ryan misses about living in S. CA, it's the surfing!  He got to pull his old board out again and it was just like old times!

We spent ALL day at the beach and even though I reapplied the sunscreen several times we all came home with sunburns...pretty bad ones in fact.  What the heck?!
Mom fail!

Okay, since I have an overload of pictures from this trip, I decided to break it up.
More to come!

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