Wednesday, July 13, 2016

CA Trip Part II: 4th of July!

After spending two very full days at the beach, and getting quite sunburned, none of us were up for doing much of anything Monday, which happened to be 4th of July.  

However, Jeff, my dad, Ryan and I did get out for little spin that morning.
What fun to ride along the coast again!!

 .And of course a ride along the coast would not be complete without a stop at our favorite coffee hangout in Seal Beach!  Just like old times!

And honestly, I can't even remember what we did the rest of the day!
But I'm sure a nap was in there somewhere.  Ha!

That evening we celebrated the fourth with a BBQ and eating alfresco.

I hope the kids don't hold it against me that we didn't see fireworks this year, but sometimes staying in and just hanging with family, watching a movie is just what the doctor ordered.

Besides, we had to gear up for the rest of the week in Lake Arrowhead!

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