Friday, July 15, 2016

CA Trip Part III: Lake Arrowhead

Tuesday morning we left Long Beach and headed up to Lake Arrowhead for the remainder of the week.  Of course, as soon as we arrived we had to go down to the lake to swim.  I kid you not, we spent more time in our swim suits than clothes for this trip!!  Ha!
 Burnt Mill Bay was first up.
 My brother, Andrew, lives in Big Bear (which is a bit further up the mountain) he came down to hang with us which is always good fun!

 Wednesday morning we went for a ride, and when you ride in Lake Arrowhead it's either up or down...flat roads do not exist!  And the last climb to the cabin nearly kills me every time!

And then we hit up Tavern Bay for the afternoon!

 Haley loves floating in her tube.

 Morgan absolutely loves fishing, but she has yet to catch a fish.
Thursday we headed up to Big Bear for the day (for more lake time of course) and so Morgan could fish with her Uncle Andrew.
But alas...still no fish.  Darn it.

 Morgan heading out with Ryan and Andrew...and of course Haley is out there in her tube.

Friday we decided not to go to the beach (I know...What???) and do our traditional hike to the village for ice cream.  I did this hike tons as a kid, so it's always fun to do it with my children.  It won't be long and I bet Haley and Morgan will be doing it by themselves.  

And then Saturday it was back on the road for home.

So side story:

On the way to CA we stopped into Peggy Sues for a bathroom break and to let the kids run around.  Peggy Sues is a restaurant/gift shop right outside Barstow, we were in the homestretch of the drive. When we arrived in Long Beach we realized that Piper had left her beloved Hippy (a stuffed Hippopotamus) at Peggy Sues.  Oh my, the devastation that ensued...poor Piper was so heartbroken.  I quickly called Peggy Sues and explained that we had just been there a couple hours prior and please could someone see if my daughter's Hippy was left on a picnic table.  The woman I was talking to was happy to look for him and low and behold she found Hippy!!  Just like we suspected he was left on a table.  She said she would keep him safe until our return trip a week later. better believe our first stop out of CA was Peggy Sues, and sure enough, they had Hippy safe and sound!!
 Piper was thrilled.
Happy Day!

 Pool side hotel room in St. George for no extra charge!
Happy Day indeed!

 7 layer bean dip with chips for dinner!
We're easy to please.

And more swimming!!

We got home Sunday afternoon...tired and happy.
Ryan and I even had time for quick ride!
Now, it's been back to reality and of course lots of summer craziness.
Have a great weekend ya'll!

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