Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Back to School Feast 2016

Last night we had our 2nd annual Back to School Feast!
This is a time where we celebrate each of the girls and their brand new school year!

We decided to dine alfresco with personal pizzas on the grill.

 I gifted each of them with a new hair bow at their place setting.

We love this meal, yet I confess, this is our first time doing it this year!  Why haven't we been doing this every week?!  We'll never know!  I mean, we pretty much make pizza every week, but it bumps it to a whole new level when it's grilled...seriously.

We talked about goals for the new year (this was the only serious part of our conversation), then the girls giggled about analyzing dreams they've had, shows they've watched, and things that happened at school that day...all while listening to Disney music on Pandora (Haley's choice).
I must say...it was a pretty nice evening.

After dinner the girls got to open and see our new star for this year.

 They also opened the newquote that will hang in our hallway.
I have referred to this quote numerous times over the years with my children.  It's always comforting to know that when we screw up or had a super hard day, we can always start fresh tomorrow. 
You just can't go wrong with a "Anne of Green Gables" quote...there are so many!

I love these girls, so much!
Here's to a new school year, lets make it a good one!!

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