Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Young until I die.

Ryan and I got to skip out on a little bike ride Monday...thanks to my mom for watching Rory.
The mountains are beautiful this time of year!

And I know that these warm days are dwindling we need to take advantage of them while we've got them!

We ride right along the river all the way up the canyon, and there's a bike path that runs right beside it. 
So anyway, there's this bridge right beside the path that people jump off from into the river, it's quite the hot spot and widely known in this area.  
It wasn't until this year, however, that I finally jumped off it.  How I hadn't in all these years is beyond me!  

The first time I jumped off it with Ryan, I joked (kind of) and said "One day, I'm going to do that topless." 

I've seen photos before of women who would hike to the summit of grand mountains and snap a picture of themselves from behind looking out into a beautiful view, arms raised, completely topless.  It just seemed so freeing...and a bit naughty, all at the same time.  

So this last Monday, on our way home we stopped by the bridge for what could be out last jump before the weather gets too cold.  And what do you know, no one was there jumping (which is kinda rare when days are hot).  I decided to take advantage of it.  

 Maybe, it's because I'm pushing 40 years old and I have this super strong desire to always remain young at heart no matter what!  Maybe I craved that adrenaline rush by doing something completely crazy and out of my comfort zone.  Maybe I needed to do something rebellious in a town where everyone is the same.

I want to be more spontaneous and get out of ruts that drag me the way I want to live...with no regrets.  I want to be a strong woman, proud of who I am, proud of my body and never ashamed of it. 

And with that...I did it.

I cannot even tell you how good this felt.  It was freeing, and a little naughty, and exhilarating, and scary all at the same time. I felt alive!  

I feel as though I'm opening a new chapter of my life, this year as been a lot changing and growing.  I'm learning to be comfortable with myself without guilt or without fear of what others may think of me.  And sometimes that is really hard to do in a very homogenous area and culture. 

No more.  
I'm pretty darn proud of myself.  Topless and all.  

And just for's Ryan doing a flip off the bridge, complete with tongue out.
He's pretty awesome.

1 comment:

  1. I loved reading this. What a beautiful photo of you breaking out of your comfort zone!! Do it, amiga.
