Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Rendezvous 2016

Labor Day weekend was the Fort Bridger Mountain Man Rendezvous, and you bet we were there!
I think this is our 4th year going...not too shabby.
My girls look forward to it every year and love dressing the part.  And this year, my mom made each of their dresses!  I know...pretty awesome!

 And also this year, my parents dressed up...and I must say, they did a bang up job at it!  They looked pretty legit...my dad even grew his beard for it (I think the last time he had a beard my mom was pregnant with me, so yeah, it's been a while).
 My dad entered many of the shooting competitions and my mom participated in the women's frying pan throw.  

 The girls with their cousin Jett.

 A storm would blow in and sprinkle a bit, and then the sun would pop out again.  And the wind never stops there!!  Wyoming is definitely for the tough!

Haley and Morgan both stayed overnight (Morgan stayed two more nights actually).  My parents got a room in the nearby town so Haley stayed with them and Morgan stayed with our friends as she's done for several years now.  Their daughter and Morgan are pretty tight, and it seems this weekend has become tradition now.  And we don't mess with traditions!
As for Ryan and I, we stayed for just the day and drove home with the little ones.  Maybe one year we'll have to dress up too...maybe.

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