Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Haley's Animal Party!

If you know Haley, then you know that she is obsessed with animals...all animals.  So it makes sense that she requested an animal themed party. 

We started the party with masks, like Morgan's party, except since we were dealing with older girls I had them do most of the cutting and designing.  I had some templates cut out and a picture of some finished masks for them to use as inspiration, but other than that, they were on their own.  And they came up with some creative ideas!
 Up next, the main hit of the party.
I had a Utah based animal rescue facility come out and share and teach us about some animals.  Weeks before the party they sent us a list of different animals to choose from and Haley picked out the four she wanted most.
A red fox.

A Ring tail.

A skunk.

And two baby chinchillas.

The girls played the Peanut Game (I have no idea if this game has a real name, but that's what we called it) while lunch was prepared.  

The food table...after the girls went through.  Forgot to take one before the feeding frenzy began.

Drinks outside.

For the party favors I spray painted little animals and lids white, glued the animals on top and then filled the jars with salt water taffy.  I think it turned out pretty cute...thank you Pinterest!  

And that was that!
Happy Birthday to Haley!

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