Monday, August 8, 2016

Morgan's Superhero Party

The last two weeks have been a whirlwind! 
 With two girls having birthdays a week apart and the fact that this year I agreed to throwing each of them their own friend birthday party, I have been a frantic lady these past two weeks!
It had been a while since the last friend party for Haley or Morgan and they have been begging to have a party...I just may want to throw the parties on alternating years in the future!  Planning two within a week was a bit much.  
But really, in the end, in was all worth it!

First up, Morgan's Superhero Party!!
The Justice League is kinda her jam right's pretty awesome!

As her friends arrived they created their own superhero or butterfly masks.

 (I forgot about my reflection in the mirror...whoops.)
We then spent a good chunk of time playing several "Minute-to-Win-it" games.  Seriously, google it or look them up on Pinterest...there are so many to chose from!
I think these were a huge hit...they move fast and can be such corny games that everyone stays interested.  And then each winner got to chose from the prize bucket and then everyone else got to pick a prize.  We also did a pinata outside, which is always a hit!!

 The food table.
Okay...aren't those "Krunch!" and "Pop!" signs I made clever?!!  Thank you Pinterest.
I found all these print outs free online.

Dining al'fresco.

 She will get her 10 candles!! 
 Even if they have to be crammed onto a cupcake!  Ha!

 And then presents!

It was such a fun party!
And it was so fun to see Morgan with all her friends...she was so happy all day!  And seeing her beaming having a ball makes my day!!
Happy Birthday to my new 10 year old!

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