Friday, January 27, 2017

So much snow!

It's been unbelievable how much snow we've been getting this season so far!
Sundance has just hit 100 inch base...which is pretty spectacular for our little local resort.  However, don't ask me how the skiing is, I wouldn't know. (grumble, grumble)  Since I haven't been able to ski, I've been given hours in other departments...won't lie, I'm not a fan.  But I guess the extra money is nice.  I've been going to my weekly physical therapy and I will say that it helped quite a bit!  However, I seem to have plateaued.  I can walk fine, but deep movements I still can't do.  I miss sitting cross legged, or being able squat down to tie my kids' shoes or digging around in low cabinets.  Or not having pain getting in and out of a car.  The doctor's have put in another request for an MRI this week and I'm still waiting for the reply.  We'll see.

Some pictures from the last few weeks.
 The girls had a delayed start to school one morning because of the snow.
I cannot remember them doing that ever.
And to cancel school?!  As if.  Hardy folks out here in Utah.


Last November PBS came out with a remake of Anne of Green Gables.  We watched it on was horrible!!  I was so disappointed and it made me long for the original.  We only have it in VHS and I don't have a VHS player I immediately made an order for the DVD's.
 And then we watched it to rid ourselves of the awful memories of that PBS one.

 Haley is in Ballroom dance at her school and she had her first performance this month!
After I did her makeup I couldn't stop staring at her!  It just made her look so much older...what happened to my baby?!!!  It was such a joy to watch her dance!

So I haven't skied, but Ryan has been taking the kiddos at least once a week and they have been loving it!
Also, Morgan has started her ski school program so she gets to go an additional day as well!

 For the record Haley is wearing all of my old ski stuff (boots, pants, jacket, helmet)...and she's growing out of them quickly!  My baby is passing me by.  *sniff, sniff.

So, in others news, I've been riding a bit here and there.  On rollers.  There's no way I'm going out in this Arctic tundra!!  I can only do 30 minutes before I crack.  But it feels good to sweat and get a little work out in, even if it is sporadically.  I've been a bit on the depressed side with this whole knee situation so it's nice to be able to do something that I know...back to my roots.

Happy weekend ya'll.

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