Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Care taker of stuff.

A few weeks ago my cousin did an Instagram post quoting "Have nothing in your house that you do not know to be useful, or believe to be beautiful."  I'm not sure who originally said it, but I've thought about this quote daily sine I read it.  She went on saying how she does not want to be the "care taker of stuff", but rather the "care taker of her people" (she has 7 kids).  I love that!  

The past week or so I've been reanalyzing my life and what's important to me.  As you know, I've been on the depressed side lately with my knee situation (still no news to report).  It's interesting how when we're depressed we have the most self least for me anyway.  

I want to simplify my life more...get rid of all the "stuff" so I have more time to do things that bring me joy.  I need to remember to surround myself with positive people (you would not believe how many people I have stopped following of Instagram!)  Simplify!!  Get rid of the excess "stuff"...starting with my phone.  Do I really need to see the latest vacation a famous YouTuber has gone on?  Do I really want to read about the reasons I need to order some special energy drink and the benefits from joining their Pyramid scheme?  Do I really need to follow people I don't even know?  Is it necessary to be scrolling through my phone while my kids are talking to me?  How can I be an example to my kids when I'm doing all the things I'm telling them not to do!  A phone is useful, but I don't need all the extra "stuff" on it that steals my time.

I want to start doing more of the things I enjoy...more reading, baking, journaling, being with my kids, laughing more, date nights, and exercising...and the process to simplifying my home.  I want to be the care taker of my family, not stuff.

Anyway, it's all baby steps.  
I won't have everything complete on this journey to simplification overnight, but I'm trying.

So enough of my rambling.
Here's a few pictures of the past week or so.

 Morgan had her first Science Fair project.

 We celebrated Jeffy's birthday!!

 Piper celebrated the 100th day of school by dressing up like a 100 year old.
She was so thrilled to put baby powder in her hair to make it white.

Our garbage disposal crapped out last week and I replaced it...ME!!  I did it all by myself!
And I only swore a few times doing it.

And you can see, that when I replaced it the pipe no longer matched up to the other side (in the above picture).  

So I found this pipe that you can bend...problem solved!
And so far everything is working with no leaks.  Fingers crossed.

Happy Hump Day.


  1. I feel you on this topic!! I highly recommend a book called The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up by Marie Kondo (check it out at the library so you don't have to buy another book). I went through each drawer, closet, room, etc after reading this book and it really does change your life. Less stuff is amazing and now I am addicted. The kids and I chose a Sunday during the month and go through the house and even in one month it is amazing what we accumulate just with art projects, school papers, clothes that they've outgrown since the previous month, etc. I watch those tiny house TV shows and I am not sure I can go that far, but it does inspire me to focus on the important things in life!

  2. I'll have to check that out! Thanks Cheynna!
