Saturday, April 22, 2017

Easter 2017

Last weekend we celebrated Easter!
First things first, the girls hunted for their Easter baskets as soon as they got up...Morgan being the last one up (she almost slept the morning away!).  

We had a leisurely breakfast of French toast and then relaxed (and watched a couple of their new movies) before we headed off to Grandma and Grandpa's for the Easter egg hunt and dinner.

 The girls with their cousins, Jett and Rowan.  Rowan just turned one April 1st!  
Wow, did that year go fast?!  She is such a doll and Rory is absolutely obsessed with her...she follows her around and helps her with anything she needs.  It's awfully cute!

 My mom had the house looking so festive!
And the dinner was top notch!

 And it wouldn't be Easter without the annual sibling picture on the porch!
Unfortunately, this year Andrew wasn't able to be here for the event...sad face.
But the show must go on!

 And just for kicks, Ryan and I posed for a few!

 The opening of the annual Easter balls!!

Every year my mom makes each kiddo a ball that's made of crepe paper.  As they unwind it they find all sorts of little trinkets hidden in between the wrapping.  So they must unwind it slowly so they don't miss anything!  The little ones (mostly Piper) are still working on this concept.  Everything is a race with that girl.

 It's good fun and makes a huge mess!!
They love it!

And also, this year Easter was a beautiful, warm day!
I just love it when the weather cooperates, don't you?

And that's all she wrote.
Happy Easter!
The end.

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