Tuesday, April 18, 2017

Spring Break 2017

Usually we try to camp for our Spring Breaks (at least for part of it), but again, my darn knee kept us from doing that.  So we made the best of it and tried to do some fun things from home.

We kicked off the break by taking the girls to see Beauty and the Beast at the theater.  Now, this is a big deal for our family...we usually hit up the dollar theater when we do movies. Sadly however, our local dollar theater closed down recently making way for a larger shopping center...don't even get me started...I'm still mourning about this.  
I don't think my two youngest have ever been to a regular theater!  And let me tell you, they were blown away with the big recliner seats they got to sit in! 
We loved the movie...and it was beautifully done!  And then after we got some lunch.  (Yes, we hit up the early bird showing time...and goodness sake, it's still expensive for a family of six!)  
But anyway, it was a fun day!

Later in the week, we took the kids into Salt Lake City to visit the Capital Building.
But first, we hit up some lunch.
 It was a little vegan eatery that Ryan has been wanting to take us to.
They serve things like Philly Cheesesteaks, Buffalo Chicken Sandwiches, Barbacoa Burritos...all vegan.  Ryan says it would fool any meat eater.  I was skeptical.  But, actually, I thought it was quite good!  The kids however, not so much (except for Haley...I think she liked it.)  But it was a lovely day, and we got to eat outside...I call that a win!

After lunch we traveled over to the Capital Building.  But first, right across the street from the Capital Building was the Pioneer Memorial Museum that we wanted to hit up.

This museum is huge!  I can't believe we hadn't seen it after all these years of living here.  It has all sorts of artifacts from the pioneers that traveled west and settled the Salt Lake Valley.  Clothing, handcarts, wagons, tools, furniture...you name it, they had it.  It was really interesting. 

 And then we walked over to the Capital.
It was such a beautiful day...all the blossoms were out in full force!

I have to admit, all the walking completely wore me out, but it was well worth it.
What a fun day!

Our Spring Break also included a lot of late nights, movies at home, and playing with friends.
Maybe next year we'll be able to get back to back to some camping.

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