Saturday, April 15, 2017

Piper turns 7!

Piper's birthday was pretty low key...I hope she wasn't too disappointed.
I know that she wanted to have a big friend birthday party, but I just wasn't up for it with my knee still the way it is.  I'm just very slow at everything I do and I walk with total concentration so I don't over extend it (something I'm very fearful of doing).  So hopefully she understands. 

 Her birthday landed on a Sunday.
We woke her up with her birthday breakfast and then headed off to church.  We enjoyed a very relaxing afternoon and then celebrated her birthday with hot dogs, strawberries, and sprite (her request).  We even found some pretty good meat free hot dogs for Ryan and Haley, and I must say, they were pretty good!

Morgan made her cake! 
(I helped with the frosting of it.)

 And then presents!
I was so proud of Morgan...she used her own money to buy Piper this doll she had been wanting and she was so excited for Piper to open it.  Piper was thrilled!

 I gave Rory some money to pick something out for Piper and Legos it was.  It's funny because my kids love the bigger Duplo Legos (even though they are geared for younger children).  And to be honest, I prefer them as can't lose the pieces into the carpet (to be stepped on!) and it's easier clean up.

Oh how we love our Piper Cub!
Happy 7th!
We love you!

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