Monday, April 10, 2017

Peter Pan and a new smile.

This semester Haley tried out for her school's play, Peter Pan musical.  She was part of the Neverland Ensemble, they did a lot of singing and they also were in charge of a bit of the stage crew.  She was so busy these past few months with all the rehearsals!  For weeks her rehearsals went until 5:30 and then she'd ride her bike home and walk in just in time for dinner.  And although her role wasn't a lead, she put just as much effort in it, and I kid you not, she could have substituted any role as she knew everyone's lines by heart!  I'm just so super proud of her!!

The production was amazing!
The teachers did a wonderful job putting it on, I was so impressed with the talent (so much singing and dancing!) and the set design!

We went as a family opening night...and then Ryan and I went again ourselves on closing night.  While Ryan and I were gone, Morgan and the little ones decorated the dining room with streamers and balloons.  They set the table and had cupcakes and flowers waiting for her (I may have helped buying that part).  And as a special touch, when we walked in the door it was super quiet and there was sign that said pointed Haley to the dining room.  When Haley opened the door the girls jumped out and surprised was pretty awesome, as Haley had no idea.  She was thrilled!

I just love it when my kids do nice things for each other.

And speaking of Haley, she got her braces on today.

She's been kinda dreading it for a while...I have too for that matter...these puppies aren't cheap, I'm still recovering from the initial shock of their price tag.  BUT, I keep telling her how lucky she is to even get them and how much she'll thank me when she's older, ha!

Happy Monday ya'll!

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