Thursday, August 31, 2017

Squaw Peak

 I'm six months out from my ACL reconstruction surgery!  However, I'm STILL not fully recovered...crazy how long these darn ligaments take to fully heal.  I still lack full motion of my knee: deep bends such as squatting down or sitting cross legged I still can't do.  And I can still see the muscular difference from my good thigh and my gimpy's amazing how much muscle loss happens with this type of injury!  Anyway, riding my bike has been great for my physical therapy.  I try to ride a couple of times a week (I know, not much).  Most of my rides consist of cruising on the bike path up the canyon...basically, pretty easy stuff.  But last Saturday I bumped it up a notch and decided to tackle Squaw Peak, pretty much the hardest climb in the area.  Why I didn't start with something less daunting, one will never know. 

I figured if it was proving to be to hard on my knee I would just turn around.
But really, who was I kidding?  Once I started, I was going to see it though!
My knee handled it just fine!  The rest of me...well, not so much...I'm a little out of shape in the cardio department to say the least!

But I made it!!

 For the record, Ryan set a goal for his 40th birthday to climb Squaw 40 times this summer.
He met his goal early that morning...and then, just for kicks did it one more time with me later that day making it 41.  Pretty cool!

I discovered I was only about a minute slower than my time from last year when I did Squaw.  I'm not sure how I feel about that.  Either my recovery is top notch and I'm on fire or I really sucked last year, because honestly I felt as slow as molasses going up that darn climb this time!

But in any case, it feels really good to be making progress with my recovery.  And honestly, I find that when I challenge myself I'm surprised how much I can actually do!  The healing process is pretty neat that way!

Monday, August 28, 2017

Solar Eclipse

 Last week we were able to see the solar eclipse!
Some people that were really dedicated drove up to Idaho to see it in 100% totality...which sounded pretty cool!  However, we stayed put in our town where the eclipse was around 95% totality (don't quote me on that, I can't remember exactly!).  

We decided to check the girls out of school for lunch to picnic in the park because most schools kept the kids inside in fear that they would look directly at the sun.  I really wanted my kids to be a part of this cool event!!  And we weren't the only ones!  Classes were pretty deserted at lunch time!!

Morgan with our trusty paper plate projector!

11:34 was the peak of the eclipse.
These pictures don't show how cool the lighting actually was and the shadows were pretty trippy!
And it got so much cooler, so much if fact that I was wishing I had a sweater!
So weird!

By 12:30 it was all over.
And then it was back to school for the kids...which they weren't that trilled about.

Wednesday, August 23, 2017

First Day of Kindergarten

 Rory started Kindergarten today!
Hard to believe my baby is in school.

 She has been looking forward to Kindergarten for so long now, she is just thrilled to pieces!!

It's also hard to believe that I get three (THREE!) hours to myself everyday.

Although, here I am, missing her...counting down to when I can pick her up and see how her day was.
I can't wait to hear all about it!

Happy first day of school wee one!

Tuesday, August 15, 2017

First Day of School!

How can it be the first day of school already?!!
I admit, I'm not ready...not ready for schedules, not ready for homework, not ready for getting up early, making lunches...but alas, here we are.

The kids were so excited last night!
Each one had their outfits picked out and back packs ready to go!  Too bad it's not like that every evening before a school day, ha!
 Haley is in 8th grade this year!!
This is her last year in middle school...I know, I can't believe it either!

 Morgan and Piper get to go to a brand new school this year!!
They tore down our old elementary school to make way for a new one.  We were super sad to see the other one go (a lot of memories) but this new one is pretty spectacular!

 Morgan is in 6th grade!!
This is her last year in elementary...she gets to rule the school!

 Piper is in 2nd grade!!
That blows my mind!!  2nd grade!!

 Rory has another week before she starts Kindergarten.
So I'll have more pictures of her first day next week!

Happy First Day of School!!

Thursday, August 10, 2017

Celebrating 13!

Ryan was out of town for work the week of Haley's birthday, so we didn't have her birthday dinner and cake until the weekend when Ryan got back.  But for the actual day of her birthday she chose to go to an early movie (Wonder Woman) and then walk over to the mall right after. 

Haley and Morgan spent the morning getting ready for their girly outing.
Haley even curled Morgan's hair!
So cute!

 Haley showing off some of the things she bought at the mall: cat ears and false eyelashes.
What a great age to be...when you can wear flower cat ears and HUGE false eyelashes and look cute as a button.

 After dinner my parents and I took the kids to Riverwoods for a Dole Whip.
And of course it didn't take long for the kids to getting soaking wet in the splash pad.

We had a family dinner later that week with my parents and my brother's family.
Haley requested a pasta bar and that everything is pink!

 Even the drinks.

 I found this picture on my phone that Haley must have taken showing her birthday gifts: new pretty (pink) pajamas, pink purse, pink donut headphones, pink lip glosses and a HUGE poster of Audrey Hepburn that she has been dying to have.

Haley is the girliest girl I know.  
She loves all things pink!  She loves makeup, clothes, and accessorizing.  She adores animals...before she turned 12 she made a commitment to be a vegetarian and hasn't looked back since.  She's strong, determined and very independent!  She loves art, singing and dance and I admire her bravery when it comes to performing on a stage.

She is growing up so fast!
We love our Haley Girl!

Happy Birthday!!

Wednesday, August 2, 2017

Happy Birthday!!

We officially have a teenager in this house!
Happy 13th Birthday to our Haley girl!!

We love you!