Friday, April 10, 2020

Piper turns ten!

Having a birthday during a quarantine has got to be the pits for a kid!  But we made the best of it considering the circumstances...and I think Piper had a great day in the end. 

We let her decide the day's activities, within reason of course, ha!  We woke her up with the traditional breakfast treat (blueberry muffin in this case), complete with candle and birthday song.  She asked if she could open her presents in the her surprise I answered with a big "Sure!".  All kids ask to open their presents in the morning, and it's always the same answer, "Wait until the party tonight."  But since there was no big party this time, I threw tradition to the wind!  She was elated! 

So that's how we started the day!
Because of the quarantine, the girls weren't able to get out and buy Piper a gift, so they created their own and they did a pretty good job!

Rory gave her a little "succulent" made out of rocks from the garden...I think it turned out so cute!
And Morgan painted a really cute "pet rock" complete with its own crocheted "bed" to sit in and adoption papers!

And Piper finally got her pineapple roller skates!

Piper wanted everyone to play kickball and foursquare, so that's exactly what we did!  We walked over to the school to use the courts there...and the weather couldn't have been better!  And yes, we played kickball and foursquare with a is what it is.

By the time we got home for lunch the weather took a turn, clouds rolled in and it started to drizzle.  Perfect weather to cozy down and watch a movie...her choice, "Go Karts", which turned out to be pretty darn good!

Beyond Burgers and fries was on the menu and a Peanut Butter Ice Cream Cake for dessert (which she helped make!).

She ended the evening with a "sleep over" in the basement with her sisters!

We love this girl of ours!
Happy Birthday Piper!

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