Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Easter 2020

 Easter 2020 will go down in history as one of the weirdest Easters...thank you Corona Virus and social distancing.  We have family right down the street, yet we are unable to hang out.  

My parents stopped by briefly and we all visited outside making sure we were all at least 6 feet apart.  It's just plain awkward.

But, we made the best of it!

Our breakfast was top notch!
French toast with all the berries!

And later we made Easter cookies!

The weather wasn't the best...sunny, but windy and pretty chilly!
So we mainly stayed inside.  The older kids did, however, make an Easter egg hunt for the little ones despite the cold...so that was nice.

Dinner was an Italian Sausage Soup...not very traditional for an Easter dinner...but so, so good!
And I made a lemon bundt cake for dessert!

Very low key Easter, and slightly weird...but fun none the less.
Happy Easter!

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