Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Week 6 in quarantine.

Quarantine is just plain awful...it really is.  But I hate to constantly complain about, so I will try to focus on some positives from the past few weeks. 

I love that the weather is changing...Spring has sprung, and it is beautiful!  I love getting outside with my family or just being alone.  But I've found that getting outside is essential for my sanity!  I'm so grateful that we are able to get outside, I know there are many countries that can't...I just couldn't imagine!  I'm including pictures of our latest mountain bike ride with Piper and Haley.  I love having relaxing family time (when everyone gets along!).  Ha!  We eat dinner together every single day...no going out...just together in our dining room and I have really enjoyed it.  Yes, it feels like I've cooked 5 billion meals since we started quarantine, and I do look forward to going out again!  But in the meantime, we have had some really great meals! 

But...I look forward to seeing my girls playing with their friends again.  I look forward to outings without masks.  I look forward to family birthday parties and holidays.  I look forward to hugging people again.  I look forward to going back to work.  I look forward to the way things were. 

It's hard to not be sad all the time.  I do great on the weekends and in the evenings, but as soon as I have to work I just spiral down to such a low.  I miss my students so much...and I hate teaching online.  I hate seeing my children learn online.  Their teachers miss them too.  Teachers need to BE WITH their students.  I miss their little personalities and hearing their banter with each other, their little successes, their wit, their creativity, their smiles...it's what drives us. 

Well...I guessed I complained about it again.  Whoops.  I suppose I better not make any promises...it will probably happen again. 

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