Monday, May 11, 2020

Mother's Day Quarantine Style

We are at 8 weeks of quarantine so far.
Who would have ever imagined something like this during our lifetime.  Certainly not us.  But yet, here we are.

Yesterday was Mother's Day and although we're in the midst of a pandemic, it turned out to be one of the best days!
 I woke up and opened my door to find scattered hearts, complete with little messages!

 Morgan and Piper made me my favorite breakfast...French Toast with fresh berries!
It was perfection!

Last week Ryan and I ordered two paddle boards with our REI dividend money...this has turned out to be one of our best purchases ever!
The weather turned out to be pretty nice on Mother's Day so we decided to take out the paddle boards for their maiden voyage.  Keep in my mind, this is our first outing in a car for an outdoor activity.  We've done a fair share of bike rides, but we've always kept close to the house.  

I was a little nervous about going to what may be a crowded area.  But, luckily, we were pleasantly surprised, it was fairly quiet and we found a very open spot away from other groups.

We had so much fun!  And for the record, we have never gone swimming this early in the year!  This spring has been amazing!

But...unfortunately the crowds started getting bigger and our space began to dwindle and then my anxiety kicked into full gear!  People there were not following the 6 feet rule!  And, let me add that Utah County is a hot spot right now for I'm especially on high alert!
We packed up and headed was time anyway to get back for dinner.

Ryan cooked up some Beyond Burgers for dinner and Morgan made pizokies for dessert!  We made a couple extras and brought them over to my parents to eat dessert together.  This weekend has been the first time we've sat with my parents for a social visit.  I'm still a little nervous about it...we do not go in their house...we sit on the patio and it's hard not giving hugs.  
But my kids were so excited to be somewhere else for a change, and I'm thankful the weather was nice so that we could visit outside!
And I'm thankful I was able to visit with my mom on Mother's Day!
Although, it wouldn't have even been better if there were hugs involved.

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