Friday, November 6, 2009

Time for a new doctor!

I had my four month appointment yesterday morning...yea...I won't be going back to that office.

My appointment was at 9:00 and I got there right on time. They were pretty prompt with getting my blood pressure checked, weight check (I've gained three more pounds), pee in a cup, you know...all the stuff you do before you see the doctor. Then, it's back out to the waiting far, very normal. They had a little movie playing in the waiting room, so Morgan was very content. But then 10 minutes turned to 20 minutes, which turned to 40 minutes...FINALLY, an HOUR later, yes at 10:00 I finally get called to go into a room. So I'm already a little irritated, but relieved to finally get to see and meet my doctor. I get Morgan situated with some books, a little notepad (luckily I had in my purse) for her draw on...she was happy. Me...not so much. 5 minutes turned to 10 minutes, which turned to 20 minutes. FINALLY 35 minutes of sitting in a very uncomfortable room, guess who waltzes in the room...the midwife. Now if you've kept up, you know I'm not a fan of her. I must have had a look on my face that said it all, something like, "What the blank (you can fill it in) are you doing here, where is the doctor?!" She immediately keeps repeating "I"m so sorry, I'm so sorry." Then she goes on to say that the doctor isn't there. WHAT?! Now I realize that doctors have deliveries, however, they usually tell you when you check in that the doctor is out and have you reschedule. Fine, I'm cool with that. But he obviously did NOT have a delivery that morning. They just stuck me in a room hoping that he would show up...he didn't. So they probably started feeling sorry for me after I had been sitting there for an hour and 35 minutes...send in the midwife. Here I am, nearly half way through my pregnancy, and I haven't even met the doctor that will deliver my baby!! I've just met a crappy midwife! I left pretty upset to say the least.

Now this doctor might be really great, I've only heard good things about him. But, bottom line...I HATE that office. I don't really like the staff so much, and I can't stand the fact that they never answer their always goes to a recording. The office is too big, with too many patients! I don't feel that they CARE about ME. And someone needs to tell the girl that works the front desk that she wears waaaay too much make-up and that she looks like a clown!! She should not be the first person you see as soon as you enter the office. Whew...okay, I'm feeling better. I'm sorry to the people that love this office, maybe I've just had bad luck. But both times that I've been I've had bad experiences, so I can't waste anymore time.

I miss the smallness of my old office. I miss the staff, I miss my doctor.

I decided to change my doctor and try again...made an appointment for Tuesday...I'm really excited about it!

On a different note: The Utah State Trooper passed our Jeep...Yeah!


Autumn said...

I hate how long offices, instacares, peditricians, etc make you wait. 10-15 minutes OK, but over 30 minutes? I hope you have better luck with your new doctor.

Anonymous said...

I'd recommend a good FP/OB in SLC (my wife) but that long of a drive might be worse than waiting in the office

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