Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Time to Update

We had a pretty good weekend. I'll give you the short version: Friday, Ryan had off so we all went out for breakfast...late birthday celebration for me. Oh, and I made my own Birthday cake Friday too...I know kinda sad. I told Ryan earlier that week that I didn't need one (because he would have gotten one himself for me), but deep down I decided I really did. It's just not the same without cake. So, I decided to go ahead and make it myself (since really my homemade cakes are better than store bought anyway). So then my Birthday was complete!! Saturday I was able to get Etta out by myself, which I always enjoy. Sunday, the weather was beautiful!! So we all went out for an afternoon bike ride. It's been a while for me and I must say it felt good to get out on my bike!!
A congratulations is in order...Jeff is now a certified Lifeguard. He completed his class last week. The other night when Ryan and I went to play racquetball we left Jeff in charge. The girls were already asleep, so I told Jeff not to forget about them if there's a house fire. His reply, "Don't worry, I'm a lifeguard!". So that's seems to be his reply to a lot of things. Yes, we feel so much safer now that we have a lifeguard in the house! Ha ha!

Mondays are always a blah day for me. I never really accomplish anything...a sweatsuit day! However, yesterday I did manage to get dressed and I even got a couple of errands done. I know...sooo out of the ordinary!! And the girls and I made shamrock cookies...gotta love that!

My little pastry chefs!
Their favorite part...licking the beaters!
And speaking of food...I bought another cookbook today. It was at Costco, so you know, I got a good price! I love my ward cookbook from this year; fast, easy recipes from things you have already in your pantry.
So, when I saw this one I just had to buy it! I haven't made anything out of it yet, but it looks pretty good. Definitely a unique cookbook...where else would you find a recipe for General Conference Scones or Funeral Potatoes?!
Another congratulations is in order...My mom has completed her FINAL round of chemo!!!! Her last day was on Monday!! I'm so impressed by her! It's been a long six months, but she did it! Congrats Mom!!

1 comment:

Jennifer Pribble said...

If you want to share any of those quick and easy recipes - I would love to have them! :)

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