Monday, March 25, 2013

Weekend Review

Saturday I got a much needed break!  Not only did I get to skip out in the morning for yoga, I was also able to hit the slopes in the afternoon!  I met up with my brother, Jeff, and we were able to get about 4 runs in...perfect.  I was pretty beat so that's about all I could handle!

The Jeep has become our go-to car when heading up to Sundance.  And every time I get in I see a little girl's artwork on the dash.  A little happy face and the word "Love" with a heart next to it written with a Sharpie marker.

Now, at the time that this happened about two years ago I was pretty upset about it.  And this particular little girl probably spent some quality time in her room for it too.  But now, every time I get into the Jeep these little doodles on the dash brings a smile to my face.  I'm sure there is a way to remove permanent marker ink, but I'm not too concerned about anymore as this car will probably be in our family forever.  Heck, I'm sure this little girl of ours will be driving it up to Sundance herself someday and she'll be able to tell her friends that she drew those and how she got into big trouble for it.

Also this weekend Morgie lost her front tooth (which seemed to be wiggly FOREVER).  In fact, in fell out right in the middle of Sacrament at church.  Yep, she lost it while she was eating bread.  She was pretty thrilled.

Piper has become quite good at drawing happy faces and draws them everywhere!  No, she is not the one that drew all over the dash in the Jeep as she was just an infant when it happened.  But I'll make sure I'll keep permanent markers away from her just the same.  I like her little happy faces but I don't want to see anymore doodles where they shouldn't be!
Happy Monday!

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