Thursday, January 9, 2014

Had to share.

I know Christmas is over and no one wants to look at anything Christmas related for a good 11 months at the earliest...or is that just me?  But I had forgotten about these pictures on my camera and wanted to share.  
Morgan had been begging to make Gingerbread Men this year, but my schedule was so busy during the break my answer was always "Maybe tomorrow." when ever she asked to make them.  The days flew by and I was never able to squeeze it in.  So one day when I was making a mad dash to Costco to pick up Christmas dinner stuff I came across these already made GINORMOUS Gingerbread men.  They came four in a perfect is that!  I know it's not the same as making them from scratch with my kids, but when times get crazy us moms just have to do what we survive.

I thought they came out pretty darn cute...and they made fantastic decorations for the mantle!

Tomorrow and Saturday I'm working...and maybe just maybe I won't have a lesson in there somewhere so I'll be able to take advantage of some this fresh pow we've getting for the last two days!

Happy Weekend!

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