Wednesday, July 29, 2015

What I watched while Ryan was away.

Ryan left last week to CO, and I've been holding down the fort while he's away.
It never fails, when he's away, I stay up waaaaaay too late every night.  I'm not sure why that is...I always pay the price the next day, but I just can't help myself.  I get the kids in bed (around 9), then clean up a bit, tool around on the Internet and then finally by the time I sit down to watch some TV it's already past 10!  
Whatcha gonna do, right?  I know...go to bed.  But whatever.

Anyway, I usually take the opportunity while he's away to watch things that I know he wouldn't like.
And this time around I found some real winners on Netflix!  These two movies are two of my favorites and I haven't seen them in years!!

First up:
 A Room with a View.
This movie is very nostalgic for me.  When I was in my early teenage years my girlfriend traveled to Mammoth with me and my family.  We stayed in a condo, and one day while my brothers and dad were out and about my mom had this movie on.  So us three girls hung out and watched it together.  It's a very family friendly movie...except for one scene...which completely comes out of the blue and takes everyone by surprise!  Both Jen (my friend) I, our mouths dropped and we couldn't help but giggle and blush the entire time.  All the while my mom is saying..."Oh my!!  Oh my!  I think the scene is almost over... Oh my!"  It was hilarious!  Don't's not a sex scene or's completely innocent.  But funny none the less!  
You want to see the movie now don't you?!  Well, you's spectacular!  And of course my friend and I were in love with the actor Julian Sands.  But anyway, this was a favorite right next to Anne of Green Gables...these two were always a top pick when having a sleep over with a girlfriend.

And next up:
Strictly Ballroom.
Sadly, I can't remember the first time I saw this movie!  But it's another favorite!
This is your over the top, Australian chick flick.

Both are on Netflix.
I suggest you watch them...preferably when the husband is away...with ice cream.

Happy Wednesday ya'll!

Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Rory on a two wheel.

Last week Rory gave Piper's two wheel bike a try and after a few attempts she got the hang of it.  Ryan has to help her get started but for her first time ever on a two wheel, she did pretty darn good!

She is was so excited!

And for the record this bike has been around for about 25 years!
My little brothers learned on it, and now all my girls have learned on it!
Pretty cool.

Saturday, July 25, 2015

Happy Birthday Morgan!

 Nine years ago today my little Morga-Muffin came into this world!
However, it wasn't a completely smooth ride the day she was born.  This girl decided to give us a scare by being breech and resulting in an emergency C-section.  Then, finally after she was born, I had to wait what seemed like hours for the nurses to bring her to me after they patched me up.  And when they did bring her to me the first thing we all noticed was her head full of black hair...I thought for sure they had switched my baby with someone else.

But now, there is no denying she's my kid...she's my mini-me!

We actually celebrated her birthday on Thursday because Ryan is out of town this weekend.
So after swim lessons we let her choose where to eat...she chose Burger's Supreme (no real surprise there, it's one of her favorites!).  And then we came home to celebrate with my folks and my brother's family over cake and ice cream.

The only mishap was that the presents I had ordered didn't come in in time for Thursday's party...I fail. 
 But at least this way she had something to open this morning on her actual birthday!

Happy Birthday Morgan!!
We love you!

Thursday, July 23, 2015

Happy Birthday to my Mom!

Yesterday was my mom's birthday and it was spent like this:

At 9:45 mom and I headed up the mountain to Sundance where two facial appointments awaited us at the spa!!  Keep in mind...I (we) have never had a professional facial (or any facial for that matter) EVER!  And since we went to Sundance for our very first one, we have now set the bar pretty high, as this was the most luxurious facial ever!  We have never been pampered like that before...and now that I have had a taste of it...I like it...I like it a lot!

After facials we walked down to the Foundry Grill for lunch on the patio.  It was beautiful, and delicious and it was just so much fun to hang out and talk and laugh together.

By the time we got home we only had about an hour to get everyone ready for the Wednesday night mountain bike race (which just so happened to be at Sundance...yes, we went up there twice...I may as well live up there!).  Except this time both Ryan and I raced!!  The kids hung out with my folks and my brother's family was there too.

Carrie brought up cupcakes and after the race we sang Happy Birthday!

A perfect ending to a perfect day!
Happy Birthday Mom!
Love you!!

Friday, July 17, 2015

Haley's Summer Party

Haley decided last week she wanted to host a summer water party.
She made the invites, planned out the games and came up with a menu.  She even walked to our neighborhood market and bought some water balloons with her own money.  The only thing I did was take her to the grocery to pick up what she wanted to serve for lunch: hot dogs, chips, grapes and Popsicles.  

 By the time all the games were played, and they were just finishing their lunches on the grass a storm started to blow in.  Lightning, thunder and dumping rain!  But don't worry...Haley had it all planned out for the girls to watch Teen Beach...a perfect escape from the storm!
And sure enough, just as the movie was ending the sun came out and they all went outside for Popsicles.

I was impressed, her first party was quite the success!

Monday, July 13, 2015

Finally a finished summer project.

Now I can finally say I did at least one summer project this year!

 After years of thinking about's now done!
I contemplated the color FOR EVER, that's pretty much why I never did it until now, I just couldn't decide!
I liked the idea of a turquoise, but the red brick just kept throwing it off.  Basically in the end I went with yellow.  Benjamin Moore, Hawthorn Yellow to be exact.  Yellow is always my default color.

I think I like it...yeah, I like it.
The yellow is just a little more mellow than I thought it was going to be.
It reminds me of a stick of butter.  Hopefully I don't always think of butter every time I look at it now.
Oh, and before you give me grief for still having fourth of July flags up...we celebrate Pioneer Day on the 24th around these parts so I can still rock the patriotic decor.

Happy Monday ya'll!

Thursday, July 9, 2015

Fourth of July Weekend

The Friday before fourth of July we took the girls to see Gail Halvorsen, aka, the Candy Bomber fly over Orem.  He was a pilot during the Berlin Airlift and became famous for dropping candy out of his plane from little parachutes for the German children waiting below.  Because there were many planes flying in one after another, he would wiggle the wings of his plane so the children could recognize his plane from the others and get ready to catch the candy.  He's now in his 90's and has done many candy drops throughout the years all over the country and this was going to be his last candy drop right here in Orem!  So I was pretty excited to take the girls!  However, so was the entire state of Utah!!  It was so crowded, and hot and crowded...did I mention it was crowded!!  I'm pretty sure the city of Orem was NOT prepared for that many people to be there.  But we hung in there and saw him!  
 He flew over three times and on the third fly over the candy dropped.  Needless to say most kids walked away empty handed.  As soon as it was over we were out of there...have I mentioned I hate crowds?

 On fourth of July we spent the morning and part of the afternoon at the reservoir.  
I beginning to really enjoy that place!

That evening we had a BBQ at our house.  My uncle was in town so he was able to join us.  And then we walked with our neighbors over to the school grounds to watch the stadium fireworks.  This was the first year I actually bought some little fireworks for the girls while we waited for the stadium ones.  Nothing to crazy, just some sparklers and flowers...but it was a hit with the kids.

Sunday we headed up to Sundace for the afternoon for a little lift ride.
The kids were beat.
These late nights are catching up to them.

This week the girls are back in swim and Ryan is in CA for sales meetings.  I don't know about you, but this summer seems to be flying by.  I wish it would slow down!!

Monday, July 6, 2015

Makeup Monday!

I thought I would do a quick Makeup Monday post and share some makeup I've been enjoying this month.

First off, foundation.
This is the Maybelline Fit Me Matte and Poreless foundation.  My color is 128 Warm Nude in case anyone cares to know.  But I've been using this just about every day (or least when I wear makeup), and I love it!  I always moisturize first (since it is matte) and I always use a primer too.  But even though it says matte I don't think it's drying at all...and I live in a desert so that says a lot!  I don't use very much, just a thin layer and I apply it with a flat top (kabuki) style brush and that seems to work pretty well.  It just looks very natural, it's my go to foundation for sure!

 This is the It Cosmetics Naturally Pretty palette.
This was on sale at Ulta (half off!) and I snatched it up quick and I'm so glad I did!  I have been using it every day since I got it.  I gravitate mainly to the colors on the left side of the palette but all of them seem really nice.  I think they apply well, and blend nicely.  In the summer it's all about light natural makeup (quick and easy!).  And I love that they're all matte with the exception of one shimmer highlight.
So with summer I've been slightly obsessed with bronzers and highlighters.
I bought this Smashbox contour kit a while back and I've been loving it!

And for highlight I've been using the NYX illuminator in Ritualistic.
I really wanted to buy Becca's Opal but that pretty opted for this.
It's pretty good...but sometimes I go a little crazy with this stuff!  I have to be careful or look like a disco ball.  So yeah, bronzers, highlights and blush have got to my favorite types of makeup right now.
It's all about trying to get that summer glow right?!
And the "no makeup" makeup look...that's what I want!

Hope everyone had a fantastic holiday weekend!
We sure did!
Happy Monday!

Friday, July 3, 2015

Ice Blocking

Before Jeff headed back to Long Beach we all partook in an evening of ice blocking.  I know I've wrote about it before but if you forgot I'll remind's pretty complicated.  Buy an ice block from the grocery and find the steepest grassy hill you can a towel on the block (this is optional) and sit down on it...then slide down and try, just try to stay on that thing!

Good times.

Hope everyone has a fabulous 4th of July weekend!