Saturday, June 20, 2020

House Renovation!

Currently, Covid-19 is still raging (numbers are the worst they've ever been) and we're in the midst of a civil rights revolution!  So yeah, let's go ahead and throw in a house renovation too!

It started with just renovating the kitchen, but has now snowballed in the whole main level of our house.  The kitchen is obviously the biggie, but the flooring, painting and electrical will be updated throughout the main level.

This is where we are starting from...
Living Room

Family Room 
(That's our rabbit cage where a pot bellied stove should be...yeah, don't ask.)

Looking into the kitchen from our family room.

The kitchen

In one week they demo'd the kitchen and tore our all of the carpet on the main level.
We needed to have ALL of our furniture removed for the entire process, so our garage is now our storage unit, family room and kitchen!
They also were able to get most of the lighting done as well this week!

We removed the dividing wall between the kitchen and the family room to open the space already looks amazing!  We are also patching up the second window in the kitchen to allow more cabinet and counter space.

We can't wait to see what they get done next week!

So now, in the meantime this is our life...garage living!

Sunday, May 31, 2020

Finding my Voice

Current events have been weighing heavily on me lately.

Not only do we have COVID still impacting our daily lives, but just recently a police officer in Minneapolis murdered a black man.  And I say murdered because that's exactly what happened.  George Floyd was apprehended because he was a suspect in an incident involving fraud.  He was cuffed laying on his stomach on the ground, and the officer kept his knee against Floyd's neck.  Floyd repeatedly said he could not breathe.  The officer kept his knee on Floyd's neck for a total of nine minutes...three of those minutes Floyd was not responding anymore...and he ultimately died.  This event has triggered protests, riots, and just more division in America.

This isn't anything new.  Recently an ex-police officer shot a black man while he was jogging.  A black woman was recently gunned down in her own home while she slept in her bed.  The officers shot from the street.  The stories go on and on.

Has humanity lost all compassion for one another?!

I feel as though the country has been divided since COVID started...people who take precautions and try to show respect to others, despite the struggle and sacrifice...and then those who fight back saying these rules are taking away their freedom and refuse to comply.  Calling masks "muzzles".

Every time I look at the media, it's just more sadness...bad news...frustrations...yelling...pointing fingers...hate.

I feel lost.
I need to use my voice...but I don't know how.
I want to help...but I'm not sure what to do.
I want people to know I care.

Every time these current events arise when talking to other people I feel tongue tied.  I'm not very good at defending my beliefs, or what I think is right.

A few years ago I made a lifestyle change by going vegan.  I felt empowered at the time...I felt I was doing something tangible that would benefit the world...through my actions I was making a stand against animal cruelty and climate change...and I was taking charge of my health!  I felt good and confident.

Shortly after I went vegan someone close to me took much of that confidence away.  Veganism wasn't something they agreed with and they let me know it in a mean and hurtful way...and continue to do so.  They put a label on me...they decided what all my political thoughts are...they decided what kind of parent I am...they decided everything about me without really asking or getting to know me...all because I'm vegan.

I feel like, since then, I've lost my confidence.

It becomes hard for me to articulate things I believe, in fear that someone will be quick to judge me.  Or I may offend someone.  Or I may not have all the information to back myself up and then look stupid.  I sometimes don't feel smart enough to engage in these controversial discussions.

I do know that pointing fingers or trying to blame the other person isn't working.

We need compassion...we need kindness...we need to remember we are all equal.
We need to listen to each other.
We need to teach our children to love and not hate.
We need to be accepting of everyone.
We need to hug more (once it's safe to do so).

Simple as that.

So I guess I'll start there...I can't control anyone else...but I can control me.
I just don't know if it's enough.

Monday, May 11, 2020

Mother's Day Quarantine Style

We are at 8 weeks of quarantine so far.
Who would have ever imagined something like this during our lifetime.  Certainly not us.  But yet, here we are.

Yesterday was Mother's Day and although we're in the midst of a pandemic, it turned out to be one of the best days!
 I woke up and opened my door to find scattered hearts, complete with little messages!

 Morgan and Piper made me my favorite breakfast...French Toast with fresh berries!
It was perfection!

Last week Ryan and I ordered two paddle boards with our REI dividend money...this has turned out to be one of our best purchases ever!
The weather turned out to be pretty nice on Mother's Day so we decided to take out the paddle boards for their maiden voyage.  Keep in my mind, this is our first outing in a car for an outdoor activity.  We've done a fair share of bike rides, but we've always kept close to the house.  

I was a little nervous about going to what may be a crowded area.  But, luckily, we were pleasantly surprised, it was fairly quiet and we found a very open spot away from other groups.

We had so much fun!  And for the record, we have never gone swimming this early in the year!  This spring has been amazing!

But...unfortunately the crowds started getting bigger and our space began to dwindle and then my anxiety kicked into full gear!  People there were not following the 6 feet rule!  And, let me add that Utah County is a hot spot right now for I'm especially on high alert!
We packed up and headed was time anyway to get back for dinner.

Ryan cooked up some Beyond Burgers for dinner and Morgan made pizokies for dessert!  We made a couple extras and brought them over to my parents to eat dessert together.  This weekend has been the first time we've sat with my parents for a social visit.  I'm still a little nervous about it...we do not go in their house...we sit on the patio and it's hard not giving hugs.  
But my kids were so excited to be somewhere else for a change, and I'm thankful the weather was nice so that we could visit outside!
And I'm thankful I was able to visit with my mom on Mother's Day!
Although, it wouldn't have even been better if there were hugs involved.

Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Week 6 in quarantine.

Quarantine is just plain really is.  But I hate to constantly complain about, so I will try to focus on some positives from the past few weeks. 

I love that the weather is changing...Spring has sprung, and it is beautiful!  I love getting outside with my family or just being alone.  But I've found that getting outside is essential for my sanity!  I'm so grateful that we are able to get outside, I know there are many countries that can't...I just couldn't imagine!  I'm including pictures of our latest mountain bike ride with Piper and Haley.  I love having relaxing family time (when everyone gets along!).  Ha!  We eat dinner together every single going out...just together in our dining room and I have really enjoyed it.  Yes, it feels like I've cooked 5 billion meals since we started quarantine, and I do look forward to going out again!  But in the meantime, we have had some really great meals! 

But...I look forward to seeing my girls playing with their friends again.  I look forward to outings without masks.  I look forward to family birthday parties and holidays.  I look forward to hugging people again.  I look forward to going back to work.  I look forward to the way things were. 

It's hard to not be sad all the time.  I do great on the weekends and in the evenings, but as soon as I have to work I just spiral down to such a low.  I miss my students so much...and I hate teaching online.  I hate seeing my children learn online.  Their teachers miss them too.  Teachers need to BE WITH their students.  I miss their little personalities and hearing their banter with each other, their little successes, their wit, their creativity, their's what drives us. 

Well...I guessed I complained about it again.  Whoops.  I suppose I better not make any will probably happen again. 

Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Easter 2020

 Easter 2020 will go down in history as one of the weirdest Easters...thank you Corona Virus and social distancing.  We have family right down the street, yet we are unable to hang out.  

My parents stopped by briefly and we all visited outside making sure we were all at least 6 feet apart.  It's just plain awkward.

But, we made the best of it!

Our breakfast was top notch!
French toast with all the berries!

And later we made Easter cookies!

The weather wasn't the best...sunny, but windy and pretty chilly!
So we mainly stayed inside.  The older kids did, however, make an Easter egg hunt for the little ones despite the that was nice.

Dinner was an Italian Sausage Soup...not very traditional for an Easter dinner...but so, so good!
And I made a lemon bundt cake for dessert!

Very low key Easter, and slightly weird...but fun none the less.
Happy Easter!

Friday, April 10, 2020

Piper turns ten!

Having a birthday during a quarantine has got to be the pits for a kid!  But we made the best of it considering the circumstances...and I think Piper had a great day in the end. 

We let her decide the day's activities, within reason of course, ha!  We woke her up with the traditional breakfast treat (blueberry muffin in this case), complete with candle and birthday song.  She asked if she could open her presents in the her surprise I answered with a big "Sure!".  All kids ask to open their presents in the morning, and it's always the same answer, "Wait until the party tonight."  But since there was no big party this time, I threw tradition to the wind!  She was elated! 

So that's how we started the day!
Because of the quarantine, the girls weren't able to get out and buy Piper a gift, so they created their own and they did a pretty good job!

Rory gave her a little "succulent" made out of rocks from the garden...I think it turned out so cute!
And Morgan painted a really cute "pet rock" complete with its own crocheted "bed" to sit in and adoption papers!

And Piper finally got her pineapple roller skates!

Piper wanted everyone to play kickball and foursquare, so that's exactly what we did!  We walked over to the school to use the courts there...and the weather couldn't have been better!  And yes, we played kickball and foursquare with a is what it is.

By the time we got home for lunch the weather took a turn, clouds rolled in and it started to drizzle.  Perfect weather to cozy down and watch a movie...her choice, "Go Karts", which turned out to be pretty darn good!

Beyond Burgers and fries was on the menu and a Peanut Butter Ice Cream Cake for dessert (which she helped make!).

She ended the evening with a "sleep over" in the basement with her sisters!

We love this girl of ours!
Happy Birthday Piper!

Wednesday, April 8, 2020

Masks all around.

My mom made masks for everyone this week, so Ryan and I made use of them this morning at the grocery store.  We left early to avoid any unnecessary crowds and to hopefully avoid anyone we know.  It's just so awkward wearing a mask, but then, we weren't the only ones wearing them.  We are trying to do more online grocery shopping, but it's about a three day wait until you can pick up your order...that doesn't work so well for me.  So in the store we go.

I've been going on daily walks through the neighborhood.  Lately, I've been doing 4-5 miles everyday with a fair bit of climbing.  It has become quite therapeutic for me, and I look forward to it everyday.  

We have been in this house...everyone...together...for over three weeks!  Let's just say, it's nice to have some alone time every now and then.  I'm thankful that we can still exercise outside!  The weather was amazing today!

Shaving Belle seemed like a good project for the afternoon.

If anyone is enjoying quarantine, it's our pets!  They don't understand why, but I think they really love having us home all day, everyday.

Tomorrow we get to mix it up!
We get to celebrate Piper's birthday!

Monday, April 6, 2020

Quarantine, Day 24

The world is currently in crisis.  COVID-19 (Corona Virus) is quickly spreading and countries are locking down.  Here in Utah, schools closed on March 13th (which just so happened to be "Friday the 13th") and we teachers have begun online teaching with our students.  Only essential businesses have remained opened (such as grocery stores), restaurants are take-out only, everyone is advised to stay at least 6 feet away from each other,  face masks are also recommended when in public places, and no groups or hanging out with people outside of your immediate household.  I still can't believe this is happening.  I would have never imagined something like this happening in my lifetime.  I keep telling the girls they are living history right now.  They ask questions that I have no answers for...this is all new and we are all trying to figure it out. 

This week is spring break for us, so we get a little break from staring at our computers all day.  Online teaching is something I never thought I would be doing.  Online school sucks all the joy out of what teaching really is.  I miss my students...I absolutely adore my class.  I taught most of them in fifth grade and then looped with them for their sixth grade year.  I am crushed that I (most likely) will not be able to finish out the year in a classroom. 

I am sad for my own children.  This is Morgan's last year in Middle School...what a way to end it.  The most excitement my children have during a school day is when they get to Zoom with their classes.  They get to SEE their teachers and classmates...even it's on a screen...I can see their faces light up! 

I have been challenged beyond belief these last three weeks.  We all have.  BUT, I am thankful I still have my job, I'm thankful Ryan still has his job.  I am thankful we are heathy.  I am thankful our parents, siblings and distant family have all been healthy.  I am hoping it remains that way.  I am hoping we can all work together to end this crises.  I am hoping that our country and economy will heal.  I am hoping that all the small business owners will recover from this.

I think this quote pretty much sums it all up!