And speaking of being frazzled, in the day she definitely lets me have it. It seems that all my projects are going to the wayside. When ever I try to sneak away during a peaceful moment...these children realize what I'm up to. Someone will all of a sudden need something, Rory decides she's hungry, Piper gets into something, a cup gets spilled, a fight breaks out, a kid is crying about something, or someone is poopy.
Yesterday I spent an hour trying to hang a curtain rod in the dining room. And at the end of that frustrating hour I was left with numerous holes in the wall and a curtain rod that ended up too short for the window. And to add to my lack of handy skills, I had a fussy baby by my side which just fuels my frustration. That curtain rod almost met an untimely death by being beaten against a tree. Luckily though I didn't resort to that but decided to walk away from the project and call my mom...and complain. She never minds listening to my woes and always makes me feel better!
So after a week of trying to squeeze some kind of project in when ever I get a chance and half the time, I decided to give it a rest! My friend is coming over during Piper's nap and we are going to indulge something sweet and rich while watching "Drop Dead Diva"! I need some girly adult time!
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