First of all, I have to report that we had lots of rain last week! Real good downpours with a little bit of lightning and thunder! Thursday night we had family movie (Mirror, Mirror) and when it ended all the kids had to run outside to play in the rain. This picture was taken around 8:30 or so...I love how it stays light for so long in the summer.

Saturday morning we cleaned house and packed for our traditional weekend in Idaho Falls for the Allan Butler Memorial Crit. I tell ya, the more kids we have the harder it is to get everyone out of the house to go somewhere! I was on a short fuse all morning! Haley and Morgan were in charge of packing their own things. However, when Haley came downstairs with a her overflowing duffel (jammed with a robe, slippers, pillow pet, shower supplies, stuffed animals, and other unnecessary things) along with another bag full of toys (barbies, cards?, a ball? etc.) for the drive, yeah...that wasn't cool. We had to help her rethink her packing! By the time we got in the car I was so exhausted I felt like throwing in the towel for the whole weekend!
But I didn't. Onward and upward! It was a four hour drive, and goodness, I thought we would never make it! Yeah, I knew it was going to be a long one when Morgan asks, "Are we there yet?" and we weren't even to the freeway yet! And this little Piper. She's sporting a mashed up Nutri-Grain bar all over her in case you were wondering.
Up to this trip Piper has averaged about one pee accident a day. So, I was a little nervous for the drive. And it was extra challenging when everything she says sounds like "pee".
Piper: "Pee!"
Me: "What? You have to pee?!!"
Piper: "No, Me!!"
Me: "Oh, okay."
Piper: "Pee!"
Me: "What? You have to pee?!!"
Piper: "No, Bee!"
Me: "Oh, okay."
Piper: "Pee Pee!"
Me: "What?! You have to pee?!!"
Piper: "No, Hee hee!!" (that means horse)
Me: "Oh, a horse...yeah."
And then there were all those times she really did say "pee" forcing us off the freeway just for her sit on a potty, do NOTHING, and then say "all done". Ah, fun.
But, with all my complaining...I am happy to report that she did NOT have one single accident all weekend!
The race was a lot of fun and the girls cheered like champs! This is Ryan and our good friend Jared, sporting an old kit from back in the day.
The race didn't start until about 8:30 in the evening, so it became another late night for everyone. Haley, Morgan and Piper slept like champs in the hotel...Rory on the other hand did not! It was an awful night!! Let's just leave it at that! I feel sorry for our poor neighbors who probably heard her wailing all night long.
In the morning, we did our annual walk on the river path to the falls. The girls swam in the pool and then it was back in the car for home.
A quick trip, but a good one. This morning Ryan hopped in the car again, this time Colorado bound. We'll have to hang in there this week without him.