So it's been a few months now as a family of 6. I'm still adjusting, it's true...but I think we're doing pretty good considering what we've been through so far!
Some things I've come to realize having four children 7 and under:
* You are never alone. Okay, rarely. If Ryan has to go on errands, he takes a kid....I don't care what kid, but take someone. Going skiing? Take a kid. Have to work outside? Take a kid. Going for a run? Take a kid. Divide and conquer is how we roll.
* It is always loud in our house. Whether it's a screaming child, rough housing, yelling, laughing, or just plain talking (why must children talk like they are miles apart from each other? We'll never know.) And just last night the girls were watching something and were laughing up a storm. Now, if someone walked into our home at that moment they would have thought 20 little girls were in the other room...not THREE!
* There is ALWAYS a load or two, or three of laundry that needs to be done on any given day. It probably doesn't help with the fact that my girls change their clothes about 3 times a day.
* Moods change at the drop of a hat. Grumpy, happy, angry...whatever, we have it all! But everyone happy and in a good mood at the same time? Never.
* Ryan and I cannot have a serious conversation, or any conversation really, in the day without being interrupted by a child. A kid gets hurt...a baby cries...a kid is poopy...a kid needs to tell us something "really, really, really important". There is always something. We have started so many conversations and then they usually end with a kid running in, and me saying, "Forget it, I'll talk to you later."
* And speaking of being takes ten times longer to complete any household task. I've left the vacuum cleaner in the middle of the floor for a couple of days on so many occasions...I started vacuuming and then got interrupted for something...I'll get back to it eventually. Folded clothes left on the table for numerous days...done that. Burnt something on the stove because I run to change a diaper or something. And I would love to do a post without pausing about ten different times to nurse a baby, stop a fight...whatever. You get the idea.
* There is always a mess. Enough said on that one.
* Sickness spreads like wildfire. If someone gets sick...fairly certain, everyone will eventually get it. It took about 2 months for everyone to get their turn with the latest cold. So chances are...someone is always sick.
* Having uninterrupted sleep is unheard of. I think Haley is the only child who can fall asleep and stay asleep until morning. Morgan visits us about every night to use the bathroom (our bathroom) needs water, needs us to fix her covers, a nightmare, or just plain can't sleep. Piper is in a habit of yelling for us at least once a night. She's just ready to start her day at 3 am. Yeah...not cool. And my little Rory has now started to eat again at night...12 and 5. Bummer.
I could go on, I'm sure.
Basically, it's never a dull moment in this house. There is always something going on and always something to do.
I wouldn't have any other way though...okay, most of the time I wouldn't want it any other way!
I'll get that good nights rest someday.