Monday, June 3, 2013

Not a good start.

So Ryan left Sunday morning early (we were all still sleeping when he left) to Quebec for work, and it seems everything just kinda went downhill from there.  

I scrambled all morning to get everyone ready for our 9:00 church.  I got out the door by 9:30 (not too bad), walked the couple blocks just to find out that it was conference Sunday (no meeting at that church house).  What a bust.  I suppose I could have walked a few more blocks to the Stake Center where they were meeting, but decided to throw in the towel and just go home.  I was already exhausted.  

So after lunch I decide tot get the girls out and stick to our Sundance Sundays even without Ryan.  We used our passes to go on a lift ride...that was good fun and the girls loved it!  It is absolutely beautiful this time of year!  Everything is so green!  This was probably the only good/fun thing that happened all day.

After the lift I let the girls take their shoes off and play in the shallow part of the river to cool off.  Morgan took about three steps and cut her foot on a rock.  Blood was EVERYWHERE!  You know how water will make a little cut look ten times worse...well, it did.  And it didn't take long for Morgan to go into complete hysterics after seeing all the blood.  We were causing quite the seen.  Another mother could sense my need for assistance and helped me fetch Piper out of the water so I could get OUT OF THERE!  Morgan's screaming was kinda putting a damper on the peaceful atmosphere everyone was trying to enjoy.  So I take her to snow patrol/bike patrol/first aid area to get help.  They cleaned her up and we were on our way...home that is.

Everything was fine until about 7 that evening, and then her foot took a turn for the worst.  It started to swell, and Morgan again went hysterical from the pain.  I decided to take her in to get in checked out.  Thank goodness for my wonderful neighbor who took Rory, Piper and Haley for me so I could take care of Morgan.  After a couple hours the doctor concluded that it may be a fracture in her foot.  His main concern is that it may be a fracture on her growth plate...but hopefully not.  So I'm taking her in the orthopedic doctor tomorrow for a more in depth look to make sure.  For now, her foot is in a splint until we know more.  Total bummer.  I didn't get back until after 10 to get my kids, so it turned out to be a very late night for everyone.

This isn't the best start to the week...or Summer for that matter.  And yes...Morgan broke both her wrists last year around this time.  I'm sensing a pattern here.  Here's to hoping that her foot is just fine, and we'll move on.

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