Well, it's supposed to be a recovery day for Haley...you would think after a long night of vomiting her little body would need lots of rest today. Wrong! At this moment both Haley and Morgan are building tunnels with the sofa cushions, and jumping around (on the sofas without the cushions) while Handy Manny plays on the TV. What happened to a day of cuddling and napping?! I'm exhausted...I totally got jipped!
So last night was pretty tough. Around dinner Haley started showing signs of being sick...as a mom, you just know...you know when it's not gas...you know when it's not a side ache...you just know when it's really nausea. I knew I was screwed. She started vomiting around 8:00 and didn't quit until around 1:30 in the morning. But although she's very sick and very uncomfortable she has a way to entertain me with her dramatics. I don't laugh at the time, but later when I think about the things she says...I crack up.
She was in complete agony right before she threw up the first time, and then finally she threw up. I told her how sorry I was that she was going through this. Her response, "Oh Mommy, don't be sorry, I'll be okay...it really didn't hurt that bad." Talk about pulling my heartstrings!
And the then later that night when she had nothing left in her belly, she started begging for water. Now I knew from when Morgan was sick that giving her water wasn't a good idea. It just made her throw up for another hour. So, I told Haley she had to wait until morning, because it would just make her sick again. She pleaded..."Mommy, pleeeeeeese! I neeeeeeed water...it's my only hope! It's the only thing I want in this whole world!"..."Mommy, water is soooooo cold, and tasty...I just neeeeeeeed it soooooooo bad!". Now, how can you say no to that?! I caved...and gave her a little. She vomited for the next hour.
I had to clean her up several times, which I know is no fun when you're achy and have chills. And she kept saying as I'm washing her, "Oh, Mommy....this is NOT a good night for ME!" Yeah, tell me about it.
So she seems like she's doing a lot better today. Fortunately, this illness is short lived.
Now...again...we wait. Three down...two to go.