Friday, August 29, 2008
What do you smell?
Haley: Hmmm, I smell dirt! Morgan what do you smell?
Morgan: (takes a while to think) Poop!
They laugh for quite a while...then the routine starts again.
Haley: What do you smell?
Morgan: POOPY!
Laugh, laugh, laugh!!
They repeat this for the rest of the car ride and at the grocery store. Lovely! I guess that's better then them fighting...right?
By the way...Morgan was not poopy, for those that were wondering.
Thursday, August 28, 2008
The mystery of the broken camera.
Etta got attacked by our neighbor's dog the other day. My neighbor has two boxers which I thought were pretty friendly, but apparently they have thing against cute little puppies! We were walking across the street and one of them came charging over to us and went straight for Etta, pinning in down on the ground biting and scratching her. I screamed and yanked on her leash hard making her go airborn and then I caught her before she fell to the ground again. I know, crazy. She was OK, but I was pretty upset. My neighbor came over to apologize, but the bottom line is those dogs need to be on leashes!! They never bothered me before, but now I'm pretty concerned about them! Poor Etta, it was a very traumatic experience for her!
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Visits are never long enough!
Well, my parent's visit is over...they left this sad. However, we have an addition to our household, my brother, Jeff is now living with us while he goes to UVU. We got him all set up with his classes last week. What a beautiful school that is! I've never really walked around the campus before...I was very impressed! They've designed the school so that everything is connected so if the weather is bad you don't have to go outside to get to another building...very cool! His first day of class is tomorrow, I'm so excited for him! I went with him one day to the campus...with no children! My mom watched the girls for me (thanks mom), so I was feeling very young and hip walking around a college campus! That all came to end when Jeff's counselor thought I was his mother!!!! I felt like smacking that guy! Later, we had to go see another counselor, and the first thing I said when we walked into the office, "Hi, I'm Jeff's SISTER...yeah, we're brother and SISTER!". I just wanted to make sure there wasn't any confusion!
Friday, August 22, 2008
Thursday, August 21, 2008
Where do I begin?
Haley started her first day of Preschool this morning!! My mom and I dropped her off. When we were walking through the parking lot I told her to be sure to say "good morning" to her teacher. As soon as Haley walked through the door she says, "Good morning Mrs. Wind!". Wow, I didn't even think she was listening to me! She had a great time!
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Almost time for Preschool!
In other news: I'm worried about Cassidy, she's not doing very well today. Seems waay more mellow today. She even went in her doghouse in the daytime, which is pretty much unheard of! She also seems a little out of it. I'm keeping an eye on her.
Monday, August 18, 2008
We just had a visit from my Uncle Ray over the weekend. Every year he takes a road trip on his motorcycle and usually stops in here for a few days. This year his destination is South Dakota. A lot easier compared to his cross country trip to Maine last year! Salinas, CA to Maine...that's a road trip!! So anyway, it was a really nice visit, we always enjoy having him here.
Tomorrow, my parents and little brother, Jeff are arriving! We're pretty excited for that! Jeff is actually moving in with us while he goes to UVU, so that will be a nice addition to our already "At Full Capacity" household! But, I think it's a really good thing and we're excited to have him here. Of course I've waited until the very last day to try to organize the room he'll be staying in. Currently, it's our office/spare bedroom. But it's also the room for things that don't have a place. "Hmmm, where should this go...ahh, I'll just throw it in the office!!". So you can imagine we have accumulated quite a bit of stuff that now needs a new place. It's not a junky room or anything, I don't want you to have the wrong impression. The closet really is the only thing I need to clean out. So it can be done...I just have to stop procrastinating and do it!
Thursday, August 14, 2008
Failed Hike
I took the girls up South Fork this morning to do a little hike. They've done this hike plenty of times before so it's not new to them at all, and they've done fine in the past. Not today! Morgan cried about 95% of the time...walk and cry, walk and cry...lovely! And Haley won the award for the best complainer. Yeah, good times! So needless to say, we didn't get very far on the trail. One funny thing did happen. As soon as I was finished putting sunscreen on them I went to put it back into the car, in that 30 seconds of turning my back to them to put the sunscreen away, they managed to completely cover themselves with dirt! We haven't even gotten on the trail yet, we're still standing in the parking lot! You know how after you put sunscreen on you're kinda slimy after? Well, that was them, so the dirt caked on them. I have no idea how they could get that dirty in 30 seconds, but whatever. It was a sight to see, too bad I didn't have my camera! Anyway, so later during the hike Haley is balancing on this log. She slips and slides on her side to the ground. She's OK and everything, but as soon as she lands she says, "Oh no! Now I'm all dirty!". Uhhh, did you see yourself before we even started?! I guess not! And Morgan looked like she fell through a chimney chute, it was pretty funny.
On a positive note, I was able to pick up some peaches from Alred's Orchard on the way home. That's one thing I love about the month of August...the peaches are in season!!
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
This and That
I've been driving the Wrangler more, the girls love it! They love how it's "windy" all the time in the car. I have to leave their side windows up though because I'm afraid they'll throw something out, but everything else is open. I tell ya, it's a workout driving around in that car with kids! Our Jeep is raised pretty high so I have to lift the kids in, they sit and buckle the top buckle and then I have to climb in to buckle the bottom buckle (it's a little more difficult to snap for them). Then, to get them out I catch them as each jumps (another favorite part for them!). We had four stops to make this morning so there was a lot of climbing in and out. Plus, I was wearing a skirt (all my shorts are in the laundry) so I had to be a little more "lady-like" in jumping in and out. Hopefully I didn't flash anyone! I do love that car's just a lot of fun to zip around town in! This picture is from last Winter, but it's the only picture of the Jeep I could find at the moment.
As I'm writing this Ryan is racing in the Tour of Utah, which started today. It was nice having him here for breakfast on a Wednesday...something a little out of the ordinary! So I hope it's going well for him, he's been pretty anxious for it!
Monday, August 11, 2008
Am I Crazy?
So here's my latest: Since we bought a Brittany I've decided that I want to train her for what she's bred to do. I myself will not be hunting with her but I would be a handler. Lots of pheasant hunters rent out dogs to use in the fields. I could technically make some nice cash come pheasant season. So I went out today to pick up a few things to get started on this. Well, as I was leaving Sportsman Warehouse I saw on the bulletin board "Brittany puppies For Sale"! OK, OK...I know what you're thinking...why on Earth would I get another dog?! Let me explain...If I do become a handler, hunters prefer dogs in pairs, they're able to work the field better. Also, it is said that Brittanies do very well together, most people buy them in twos!
So am I crazy, or does this make sense?
By the way, this game of chasing a plastic cup in the play pool, entertained Etta for the longest time!
Sunday, August 10, 2008
I knew I was doomed.
So I spent the day resting. Every time I stood up I felt super woozy, and weak. Plus, I had a headache that just wouldn't quit! So my super husband came through and took care of the kids all day, what a guy!
I'm feeling a lot better today, just a little tired. I'm sure I'll be 100% tomorrow.
Friday, August 8, 2008
What a Week
First, the whole "I'm never pooping again" (see previous blog posts), routine Haley did in the beginning of the week was not that fun. That ended somewhat...she still tries to avoid the toilet, but she is starting to realize that "never pooping again" may not be an option.
Now, at the end of the week we're dealing with some sort of flu bug. Ryan came home sick on Tuesday, he had a fever, chills and pretty achy. He even stayed home on Wednesday, so you know he's not feeling well if he stays home from work. Then, Wednesday...or I should say 2:30 Thursday morning, Haley threw up. An hour later, she threw up again! However, she didn't have a fever. We took it easy all Thursday, just stayed at the house and I even got her to take a nap! She was basically back to normal by that evening. Finally, I was getting Morgan out of the crib this morning and found throw up all in her crib! When did she do that?! She never cried in the middle of the night, and it definitely had been sitting there because it was dried up and her hair was all crusty! GROSS! Poor thing, who knows how long she had been sleeping like that. She's been fine all day, eating normal and everything. Very strange!
So this week we have been pretty much home bound. It's been extremely frustrating, the girls have not been getting along at all! They fight over every little thing. I have to always have them separated...Haley playing with something in her room, and Morgan playing with something else in the living room. They even fight over cleaning up! Haley will yell "Morgan is putting more away then I am!". Isn't that a good thing?! So weird!
I need a break!
Thursday, August 7, 2008
Happy Anniversary My Love!
So Ryan and I got up this morning...Let me rephrase that, Ryan got up and I got up about 20 minutes later to say goodbye as he left for work. Neither one of remembered our anniversary! It wasn't until several hours later that I thought about it...oops. For some reason I'm terrible at remembering! It seems that every year we both forget all about it.
But of course the day is still very special to us (when we remember it). Love you, Babe!

Wednesday, August 6, 2008
Everyone Poops!
So, for those that don't know...when I was potty training Haley about two years ago it was one of the worst experiences in my life!! Probably hers too! She knew exactly what I wanted her to do, she just didn't want to give up her control and fought me all the way. Those that say I should have wanted until she was a little older, well, it wouldn't have made a difference...if I waited until she was five, she still would have fought with me the entire way! That's just how she is, she doesn't do anything that I want her to do easily! Did I mention that she likes to be in control?!
Well, her latest is that she now refuses to poop! Yes, I said poop! She says that she will pee but will never poop again. She doesn't like it, she says. Well, immediately I have flashbacks to the old potty training days. NOOOOOO!!!!! Not Again!! She has started to hold it, and I must say she can hold it for a long, long time! Did I mention she's extremely stubborn?! So, when she holds it, it creates more problems. She gets really grumpy and very destructive. She can't really focus on any activity because she's always uncomfortable. She occasionally has to sit down and do the "potty bounce" if she's playing outside. Every now and then she'll go to the bathroom and then immediately walk out. "Oh, I really don't have to go the bathroom, I was just looking for something.", she says. Really?! I told her the other day that everyone poops! I said, "If you don't ever poop, where is it going to go...out your belly button?!". That totally threw her for a loop!! I probably shouldn't have said that since she doesn't really understand jokes too well. For the rest of the evening she kept glancing down at her belly button with a look of total concern. I had to tell her that wouldn't really happen and not to worry.
So anyway, that's the latest Haley saga. I'm not sure how long this one will last...hopefully not long, I can't stand it!!
Monday, August 4, 2008
Party Time!
Here are the party girls awaiting their guests! I'll add that Morgan put her hat on all by herself.
Morgan was so thrilled to blow out the candles! She kept blowing them out before they were all lit...funny girl.
The day started out a little crazy, but in the end everything worked out! It was a great day!
Happy Birthday to Haley!
Friday, August 1, 2008
Play pools, anyone?
This is all kinda my fault, I admit I procrastinated a bit. I should have bought the stupid pool when I saw I'm paying the price! I've been a little off my game lately. These dogs have really been taking up my time...I've been doggy obsessed. Cassidy needs a lot of TLC for her abscess (which is looking a lot better) and Etta needs...well, she's a puppy, she needs a lot of things. For one, I'm really working hard with training. I'm constantly reading dog training articles every little chance I get. I've been working with the "sit" command...they say that should be first. I'll have to be careful, I might start talking to the kids the way I talk to Etta, "NO, OFF, SIT!"..."Good, sit!"..."NO, NICE!"..."Good, nice!".
OK, enough blogging for today.
The mission for the afternoon: Find a Pool!!